
Develop your knowledge on your assets and products from punctual testing to monitoring them in operation

Monitoring is the next step towards the knowledge of your product
If you want to know the behavior of your products or assets, testing is the best tool to bring you closer to knowledge.
Accurate monitoring can help you to save time and money; ARESSE is not only an Engineering Company, but an accredited Tests Lab.

Acoustics &
- We are experts in acoustics since 2005.
- We are able to describe the vibroacoustic behavior of systems using different testing techniques.
- We have also experience in environmental tests related with noise.
- We are an accredited laboratory for noise tests
Dynamics & life
- We are experts in dynamic testing since 2005.
- We are able to describe the dynamic behavior of systems and subsystems using different testing techniques.
- We can help you in your Life Time Extension strategies using our own software tools.
- We are an accredited laboratory for load testing.

Condition monitoring
- Our team designs hardware architectures to deal with the acquisition data used for continuous monitoring.
- By developing our own acquisition tool, we can sync up our signals with those that come directly from wind turbines.
- To alert you about your assets in case of unexpected behavior, we have developed our own postprocess tool to study what is happening in the wind turbine.
Power performance
- A new tool has been developed to help you design wind farm powering strategies which take structural or dynamic damages into account:
- Control version changes
- Wake wind policies
- Components substitution
- Our power performance testing laboratory is accredited.

Other services of monitoring